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Cross Fit Class



Working out can be pretty hard. Your body becomes sore, tired, sweaty, and you run out of breath. But little do you know about the outcomes. When you exercise, your body burns calories. But what does that mean? Everyone has fat cells stored in their body. It's what makes one look fat. When you exercise, your body needs more energy than it can produce. So, it starts breaking down these fat cells. And during the process, it makes the temperature levels of the body rise.

But why do we become sore? When you workout, you tear your muscles. New cells are created to fill in the gaps. Eventually, you become muscular. However, you also get sore because lactic acid is released. To produce energy for your cells to work, you need oxygen. Nevertheless, when you're exercising, you need more energy than normal, therefore more oxygen. But you're not getting enough oxygen so lactic acid steps in. Lactic acid can make you produce energy without using oxygen (inhale) or producing CO2 (exhale) as an outcome. Running is the best exercise in my opinion. It is beneficial for your body and mental health. It can reduce stress, improve heart health, help fight depression, and definitely burn calories.

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