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"Eating healthy food is just a slower way to die." Did you know that unhealthy eating is the top cause of death among Americans? Did you know that the US has the most fast food restaurants among the nations? It’s crazy, we are becoming more unhealthy every day without noticing. The average weight of the population is 195.8 and the average height is 5 feet 9 inches. Calculating the BMI, 28.9 is considered overweight! This means that most of the people in the US are overweight!

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These numbers reflect our nation. That means you, your family, your children, your friends, and all the people you care about are at risk, your own life is at risk. Until you decide to stop and think about what is going inside your mouth, your life will be running faster than you can chase. The thing about us, Americans, is that we fail to notice our mistakes and avoid them to enjoy the present. Instead of avoiding our mistakes, let's try avoiding tears of the future. How hard can it be to have a happy, healthy dinner with your family? It's never too late to change your life. 


We will guide you through it.

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